St Augustine's Confessions, Vol 11, Chapter 11 (L)
Women's choir-6.2afl.0.3.dbcl.0- gtr- of crotales(or metal plates,
or vib)/2vib/cimbalom/t.bells/2logdrums/5gongs/tam-t-
strings(vln/vla/db) Double basses may be moderately amplified
Abbreviations (PDF)
Boosey & Hawkes
" the centre of De Tijd stands Augustine's fundamental question, 'What, then, is time". And so, transferred onto the musical plane, the work manipulates our perception of musical time by means of its structural organization and technical detail, and engages us by the poetry that these generate. ...throughout De Tijd is the sound of bells, imbuing its ritual progress with a sense of the numinous." Musical Times

Netherlands Chamber Choir/Hague Percussion Ensemble/
Schönberg Ensemble/Reinbert de Leeuw
Nonesuch 79291
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